I am a member of the Wisconsin Green Party and former member of the national party’s Women’s Caucus.
I joined the Green Party shortly after learning that the Georgia Green Party endorsed the Declaration on Women's Sex-Based Rights and was the recipient of backlash for it. I joined because I wanted to defend Georgia and defend Green politics in general from trans ideology and culture that seeks to attack individuals, demonizing them, rather than engage in dialogue and real debate.
I am a founding member of the Women’s Liberation Radio News (WLRN) collective, a small collective of radical feminists who produce a monthly radio program with a women’s world news segment, music, interviews, and commentary. WLRN celebrated five years in your ears on May 6th, 2021. Currently, I serve as WLRN's Volunteer Coordinator, as a Reporter and Editor, as the Writer of our monthly newsletter, and as a member of the Leadership Circle.
I am a life-long eco-feminist and singer/songwriter in my home state of Wisconsin. My focus is on arts and culture and the role they play in building liberation and justice movements. You can learn more about my work and listen to my original music at ThistlePettersen.com.
I hold a B.A. in Sociology from Augsburg University in Minneapolis and an M.A. from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in Spanish Literature.
I have been an environmentalist and feminist my whole life. I see no contradiction between the two and believe they go hand in hand. Care for women and care for the Earth are related in the sense that we are intimately dependent upon both women and the Earth for our lives. Women birth all of us, providing us sustenance at the breast. Similarly, the Earth provides sustenance for us, no matter what we perceive or believe about these natural relationships. Our existence literally depends on them. It is fundamentally against environmentalism to promote a disconnect from the body, which is what transgenderism does. The more people are in conflict with their bodies, the more they are in conflict with the Earth.
Despite this, too many in the Green Party are on board the trans train as are many Democrats and most leftists these days. I am here to change that. We need to distinguish our third party from the Democrats. We can do this by becoming the only third party in America that stands up for girls' and women's sex-based rights laid out in the UN Convention for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW - 1979). This was followed with the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women (UNDEVW - 1993), furthering the cause of women's sex-based rights. These landmark documents are reaffirmed in the 2019 Declaration on Women's Sex-Based Rights that the Georgia party endorsed.
As I write this, a women's movement is rising globally and the trans train speeds up its reckless course off track.
Women gave birth to humanity and women will take humanity back from the brink as the climate shifts and more and more people are in peril. As the storms brew, the witches do too.
I was the founding treasurer of this PAC, and am pleased to continue to serve the Board as its Chair.