What readers are saying about The Lobby for Gender Ideology: A Quick Primer

Donovan Cleckley Reviews Quick Primer: an important resource that could prove vital to introduce uninitiated to issue of transgenderism

Hugh Esco and the Gender-Critical Greens PAC have provided an important resource that could prove vital to introduce the uninitiated to the issue of transgenderism as ideology, industry, and institution. The dominant ideology on the left has been that “trans rights,” as a concept, itself merely presents a natural progression of women’s rights and gay rights—which has been a lie in forced teaming; indeed, the reverse has seemed true beyond doublethink.

Authorized and Paid for by the

Gender Critical Greens PAC
Anita Stewart, Treasurer
P.O. Box 223
Zephyrhills Florida 33539
contribute online here 
FEC # C00771618