A Green Party Reckoning with Gender Ideology

Quick Primer for Gender Ideology

Grab and Read your own copy of our pamphlet:
The Lobby for Gender Ideology: A Quick Primer

A Green Party Reckoning with Gender Ideology

In 2024, 777,278, roughly 0.5% of voters supported Jill Stein.  In 2012, it was 469,627 votes or 0.36%.  In 2016 it was 1,457,218 votes or 1.07% of the US electorate.  With a campaign against the party of genocide, including broad mobilizations among muslim voters particularly by the Abandon Harris campaign and related efforts, why did the numbers not grow? 

The latest Leo Sapir article discusses the public conversation among Democrat operatives and aligned journalists on the ideological capture of the Democrat Party by the gender lobby and the role it likely played in giving Trump a popular majority.

But the exact same examination applied here to the Democrats ought to be made as well of the Green Party of the United States and the Stein campaign, each which bent the knee to gender ideology, seriously harming the credibility of the party, a long term goal of our political opponents among the arms dealers, pharma-pushers and banksters of the 1%.

While most of us were focused on get-out-the-vote opportunities, "twitter warriors with editing software" tried to coerce a hostage apology out of Butch Ware for his comments on men in women's sports.  They got instead a short twitter thread spurring the warriors to apologize to each other about what they still had to learn about alphabet-rights amongst comments about the sincerity or not, the sufficiency or not of Dr. Ware's comments. 

One is left to ask, have all the adults who have not been expelled otherwise absented themselves from the party to avoid the toxic antics of ad hominem assaults for the crime of independent thinking?

In an age of black rock and its esg ratings, why should this not be examined as a corporate espionage action on the potential threat a green party might otherwise pose to the interests of that 1%. One Georgia party activist watching the Stein campaign's strategy in our state described Stein's Georgia strategy as 'political malpractice'.  In Georgia the Stein campaign parachuted in to create a competing state party to muddle the ballot access available for the slate, and which failed it seems to publicly campaign on behalf of the slate it claimed to be working for.  Meanwhile the Georgia Green Party, now three years expelled from the national party nonetheless built a partnership with the local Abandon Harris campaign to visibly campaign for Stein and against genocide in Georgia, despite misgivings about strategy and policy. 

Those of us who do not remember the vigorous yet principled debate which characterized the early days of the Green Party, know please that these ten key values are capable of inspiring a far higher level of discourse. Building a big tent political party independent of corporate control will do far more to serve the people of this nation, surely, than allowing our party to trade its credibility for an opportunity to shill for the corporate marketing campaigns leaning on gender ideology's narrative, while splintering the party like some socialist sect of dilettantes , and virtue signalling to a silo of those young people most victimized by the cult and the useful idiots who tell us they speak for them.

Pharma sees $1 million in life-time-value for each kid they lure into their racket, and that is before the surgical interventions. Shame the data suggests they will die young, or those Israeli Pharma manufacturers would get an even higher LTV for each customer acquisition.  But hey, when you lose your moral compass and examine every decision having Deified the maximization of profit as your only value, how else would you read the data, or justify a genocide in Palestine, or the mutilation of kids' bodies, be it with bombs or elective surgeries or powerful synthetic hormones?

Many have by now commented about the combination of mis-education, mis-information, delusion, porn-addlement and more involved that walk boys and men down this road to self-harm. A common theme among the stories we hear from the girls and young women has been avoiding the unwanted male gaze of those porn-addled boys and men, or answering the usually familial homophobia. Of course interrupting the maturation process of the human body is explicitly excluded from their definition of conversion therapy and populates our society with chemically castrated Peter Pans who will never learn to play well with other adults.

Our failure to stand up to this medical scandal wrecks real harm to the long term stability of our society.  As challenging as the coming four years may prove, and in spite of some confusing language in Trump's rants on the subject, the coming transition promises a reversal of some of the Obama / Biden / Harris most egregious policies implemented at the behest of the gender lobby. 

Give Sapir a read.  Every time he refers to the blue party, think about the implications that same analysis has for the green party.  Think about what action that demands of us, please.  After all, if we are right on the issues, and except for the gender woo-woo, majorities of Americans say we are right on so much of what is in our platform, then what we have to offer is urgently needed. 

Ask yourself, who benefits from this implosion of support for the Green Party.  Que Bueno?

The voting public and particularly those who in 2024 were undecided till the end or unmotivated to drop by the polls at all; those folks are on to the gender ideology racket and they are having none of it.  Neither are the parents who have traditionally voted blue but in defense of their kids, can no longer do so. 

I'm not one bit concerned about whether one of the parties of genocide dies on the hill offering a tone deaf defense of their weaponized wokeness while shilling for the gender lobby. Until they do, they are still spending our tax dollars with the arms dealers who finance their campaigns, rather on the urgent needs in our communities.  Let it die. 

But they need not take the Green Party with them.  We need a real Green Party, to address a panoply of urgent crisis we face on multiple fronts, not a knock-off of the most extreme mistakes already made by the Democrats. 

The Green Party would do well to listen and self-correct.  It won't survive many election cycles if this trend continues. 


Authorized and Paid for by the

Gender Critical Greens PAC
Anita Stewart, Treasurer
P.O. Box 223
Zephyrhills Florida 33539
contribute online here 
FEC # C00771618