Journalism is the first line of defense, Stenography is capitulation
My letter to a young reporter serving as stenographer to gender ideology.
Journalism is a noble profession. You are called upon to report the facts, not be a stenographer for every viewpoint ready to whine into a microphone.
It is important to remember that the linguistic framework and factual assertions used to promote transgenderism are grounded in an ideology shared by a relatively small minority of your readers and viewers and one which is frequently divorced from material reality. It may be newsworthy to report on the conflicts over public policy growing from this ideological struggle in our culture. As a journalist your readers and viewers depend on you to exercise independence in these conflicts, to accurately and fairly cover these conflicts from all perspectives and to frame your stories impartially, presenting the facts necessary for your viewers to draw their own conclusions.
I would like to draw to your attention the Media Style Guide published in 2021 by the Women’s Liberation Front which provides important guidance for journalists who are covering issues related to gender ideology.